Hello and Welcome to the Show!

Welcome Cake!

Welcome Cake!

I have moved! Well not me exactly but my blog,( I will be moving but that’s a whole other adventure!).

I am over here and looking lovely because it was time for a blog overhaul, The Dull Roar Philosophy has become much more than just the least waste and money , it is also about the least effort but the most result, it has extended to more than just thrift and eco approaches (it’s hard to blog about thrift with a straight face when you have just tweeted about buying a supercar but I promise you my approach is one of thrift, it was half price!) to looking good, feeling good, problem solving and generally juggling everything life has at you whilst staying on an even keel.

Sometimes I succeed at this and I think I am getting better so I hope you will join me as I explore keeping the bad things in life to a dull roar and squeeze the most out of what I have (hopefully gaining even more experience and happiness along the way!

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So much big stuff, brain full arggh!

I notice my blogs are full the mundane (cake, children etc) but I feel it is more relatable than a lot of the things happening in my life right now. Here’s a snapshot:
We are sub-dividing the property next door and…
Someone is buying it from us which is complicated! and….
We are refinancing everything(third time in seven years- it’s a big ordeal) it is taking aaaaages grrrr and…
We are purchasing an ex icecream factory in th big smoke and when we have it all settled will be moving and expanding the business to two locations and…
Yesterday I received a call asking if I could supply a flash sports car to a relatively well known Australian TV sex symbol for use in the show.(That was slightly surreal really)
We bought a this amazing 1967 Daimler V8 to be the family car( it doesn’t exactly go right now but I am confident it will at some stage…).

Lovely we think she is (randomly speaking like Yoda I am …ergh ).
I guess this isn’t what is happening in a lot of people’s lives (…maybe people have weirder stuff happening?) but it goes a small way to explaining why Christmas isn’t foremost on my mind…
I would love to hear from anyone about the crazy stuff you are dealing with now!

 P.S on hold to Centrelink with the baby pooping whilst feeding in my arms right now.. I lead such a glamorous life!