Baby Friendly. Lazy Sunday homemade bench cleaner.


Hmm. Maybe not pretty, but it works well!

I ran out of bench cleaner. I forgot to buy any when I was at the shops so armed with the empty bottle I made my own with things around the house.

It works a treat so I though I had better share it in case it helps you out of a similar fix! As a good side effect it is baby and eco-friendly as well as cheap, grease cutting and helps keep germs in check:

1 cup of water

1/2 cup of double strength apple cider vinegar (I didn’t have any white vinegar and didn’t think Balsamic would be a good cleaner!- you could probably substitute cheap white vinegar but use 1 cup)

1/2teaspoon of lemon essence

1/2 teaspoon of peppermint essence (make sure both are clear not lurid colours!)

1/2teaspoon concentrated dishwashing liquid.

1 empty surface spray bottle, well cleaned (in case it had odd chemicals which would cause a reaction).

Mix it all in the bottle and use anywhere you would use surface cleaner. I found it very effective for those leavings that children smear on things (I am never sure what they are made of… I don’t remember feeding them generic grey smeary stuff!)

My kind of lazy; cheap, easy, eco-friendly and I didn’t have to brave the shops.