Yes You are Very Clever, But are You Happy?


I spend a fair bit of time on social media. There are a lot of intelligent and educated people many of whom have a pet cause, perhaps it is politics, feminism, equal rights, environmentalism, disability awareness etc. All very noble and worthy causes. I don’t argue that any of these issues should be ignored but I have become increasingly aware that those who are most vehement about furthering their cause are the ones who seem to be giving themselves over to it. I see people who only view the world through the eyes of feminism meaning anything that doesn’t have an equal amount of female representation is a deliberate attack on the concept of equality for women. Sometimes it’s just the way things pan out but being worked up about it seems to have limited benefit for the person’s happiness and effectiveness as a whole.

Impotent rage would be an unkind but descriptive term for the sorrow and anger I see online, people pushing their cause seem to conclude that keeping it in the public eye will make the problem one people have to deal with, whilst there is no actual action on the lobbyists behalf. I hesitate to dismiss this as slacktivism which seems to be more in the realm of “click this is if you agree with marriage equality”, the people I speak of are genuinely involved with it on an emotional level but not actually doing much more than allowing themselves to get upset and making the rookie mistake of arguing with people online.

These people are mostly extremely educated and intelligent people. There is no arguing that, but I don’t see any joy or happiness in their tweets, their posts or their articles. By focusing on the intellectual side, by drawing attention to the what they see as the bad stuff, the injustices in the world and ignoring the light or worse, denigrating it for being “unscientific” or “cultural appropriation”. There seems no regard for the fact that cultures other than the one people are born in can have much more to offer the health and well being of people around the world, can increase the happiness. I know my life would be a much grumpier place to live without Yoga* and curries but these are not from my Celtic/Germanic heritage. Neither is anyone from India being exploited due to my actions. Attacking things that don’t make intellectual sense purely on this basis isn’t clever. It isn’t helpful.  Too often I see unhappy people doing their best to tear down what people use to initiate their own happiness. Happy people are what this world needs, not raging intellectual tearing down of the ethereal.

Culture and the world as a whole are evolving and some of it is for the better. Yes we may struggle with other people’s choices such as not vaccinating their children (which I can’t find any solid argument for by the way- science is at its pinnacle here in my opinion- so many lives saved since vaccinations have become more prevalent) but I think if you want to change the world for the better you need to show the world what you can be. I certainly dismiss the opinions of those who appear to be so desperately unhappy with their lot that all they can do is argue and attack others, no matter how valid the point or worthy the cause. Do I want to be like them? No? Then I won’t take on their anger.  (I am not referring to people who reach out on Social Media during episodes of mental health problems but I do hope that they are talking to someone about their depression, anxiety, bi-polar etc).

I used to live in Northern NSW where there were a lot of people who appeared to be happy. Yes they were covered in dirt, yes their concept of democracy and the way society works and science was hazy at best but through the drum circles and the pyramid sitting tree worship there was an enviable simple happiness. Their lack of tertiary education and random cultural appropriation (belly dancing whilst, doing yoga with a Native American Headdress anyone?) didn’t appear to be hurting anyone and the lack of noise in their heads seemed most desirable (of course there were also those who had been stoned for twenty years and muttered about aliens, them not so enviable).

This is just a musing, I do not have citations to give, I am not writing about any one person in particular (and there are some amazing people I know who are tertiary educated and really walk the talk too!) but if this strikes a chord with you perhaps you can think of a way to bring a bit of positivity in your world that doesn’t have a peer reviewed study about its effectiveness. Walk barefoot on the earth, volunteer to work with the people whose cause you champion so much, try a yoga or mediation class (without even being Indian!) Sing and dance. Be joyful, positive and happy! I bet you can influence the world for the better if you do!

*Yoga is, by the way, almost unrecognizable these days as the spiritual pursuit that involved sitting naked in the dirt and smearing oneself with funereal ashes amongst other things. Oh and it was only for men. It has evolved and over time the current form has been rigorously studied by Western scientists who found it not only has amazing mental and physical benefits but that the outcomes are often counter to what the process is. Put simply, it’s not quite explainable yet. So they can go and study and explain it and I will just keep practicing and receiving the benefits and sharing them with my family who likes a happier me better than a cleverer one!

Photo credit of educated but rather miserable looking monkey.

On Being Accountable and Whatnot

Here’s some food. It is good, and healthy.

Sometimes numbers and statistics are my friend, sometimes they put themselves soundly in the “to be ignored” pile and sometimes that isn’t the best idea.

As you would know if you have read other posts, I am calling down hard rain on my excess weight left over from pregnancy and reducing my calories. It turns out that I have an Elvis like capacity for food if I let myself go (well maybe not that bad- this is an Elvis-like capacity he liked his deep fried though) so I need to count my calories realistically. 

At least for now. When I was pregnant I could eat a whole large pizza without batting an eyelid but after 7 weeks of lower calories I find my capacity for masses of high calorie food has decreased. To the point that eating chips makes me feel queasy and two small pieces of brownie have me burping and groaning like after a Christmas dinner. If I wasn’t tracking my calories I think I would have just continued to eats masses. Because I love my food. I really love food. Probably too much. That’s why I have too much weight for my frame.

Anyway, this is where numbers can help, I am less likely to eat lots of calories if I have to write it down and I can see what makes a good choice and a bad choice calorically if I pop it into my My Blackmores diary. Sort of a curse (because calories alone don’t determine the worth of a food- some healthy food have high energy such as nuts and avocados- the My Blackmores meal suggestions do include small amounts of these though) but a blessing because I can be accountable and keep track of my energy intake, which is of course the point. 

Another way of using number to keep track of things is by measuring one’s self with scales. Ah. 
I have been very good and weighing only once a week but noticing that the scales behave differently depending on where I stand. The difference can be anything up to four kilograms. I had recorded that I had lost around nine kilograms (the crowd goes wild!) and then I bought some new digital scales which are presumably accurate and my weight is three kilograms higher on the new ones. Oh. Even though I know I am smaller (hello pre-pregnancy jeans, the smaller ones at that!) I can’t help feeling a little defeated by the numbers on the scale.  So I might ignore them for now.

I haven’t been using the handy meal plans really, nor sticking to the exercise plan provided with the My Blackmores program BUT I have been using them for ideas and ensuring I stick to the calorie allowance and exercising appropriately. My knees have gone a bit funny from Roller Derby training so I have seen a physio and have to alter my exercise accordingly.
Spring is wiggling it’s way forward so in between some truly wild storms there are some sunny days and I have been walking as much as I can to get my sunshine and exercise. If you have mild depression in Winter I really recommend this, it can sometimes be the cure and at any rate it will do you good. 

I sound like a health book from the 1930’s “Sunshine! Exercise! Vitamins and Pure thoughts will make you Strong!” 

P.S. I am not doing a sneaky sponsored post or anything, I won a 3 month membership to the My Blackmores via a comp on The Shake so I thought I might as well provide some feedback for those interested in using it or similar programs.

Three new Skills this week!

Who would have known that this week would bring so many new things!

Early in the week we have welcomed a new family member in the form of Peppa, a five year old ex stud doe rabbit. We are learning about rabbits rapidly but the thing I didn’t know is they like to play chasies, at least Peppa does, she loves company and we have been having her hop around inside. there were claims made that she is litter trained but she just seems happy to go anywhere to me! We have given the boys the little cordless vacuum cleaner and they go around vacuuming her “leavings” up which seems to keep us all happy! She chases them and they in turn are surprisingly gentle with her.The cat is scared and Peppa chases him. Most amusing. Peppa is a welcome addition to our funny little household.
So now we have learned to be rabbit owners!

I have also dug out some old singer sewing machines from the shed as next week I have a dance performance and was given a lovely little frock to use as a costume bu the problem is it is too little for me so I have bitten the bullet and I am learning to up-cycle. I have already turned a too small Indian blouse into a wearable one and now I am determined to make a costumes with the aid of the trusty Singer. I have, of course, needed to learn all the basics of how to thread a machine, wind a  bobbin, oil it and so forth which leave me smelling all steam punkish with oil and dust and old metal. I have managed to sew two straps so far, I hope to post a picture when the costume is done. I also intend to do a more in-depth blog post when I have mastered it a wee bit more, one just for my fabulous Vintage Singer machines!(Actually really my darling husbands but I have snaffled them!)
we went to a fundraiser sale for the Van Diemen Roller’s (local Roller Derby league- which of course you know all bout, right- if you don’t know about Roller Derby please go and Google it, it is wonderful)

I picked up a pair of skates for $5 and have been in our giant shed out the back practising my skating which I haven’t done for ummm TWENTY YEARS!(Really, it is hard for me to believe that there is stuff I haven’t done for twenty years but there you go)I have picked it up again quite easily I think (It helps having the massive shed to practice in). I did fall over once and realised why they all wear knee pads when they compete *OUCH* but never mind. There’s a lesson learned too! I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a roller girl but I will go to the info session (I am slightly apprehensive- they are pretty tough ladies! Very nice but they are hardcore they wouldn’t be woozling over a bumped knee like me!)
So there we go, rabbit owning, sewing (well ahem, maintaining a sewing machine and a small amount of sewing ) and roller skating all in one week. The garden is growing all by itself and we have purple peas coming one and lots of lettuce. Life is good!